Mar 9, 2009

Oooooh, Lucy's My Friend, Right Dad?!

Recently, my daughter Hailey celebrated her 3rd birthday and she received an awesome package from Lucy of Dinged Corners fame. When I first told Hailey that she would be receiving cards from Lucy she was thrilled. She would randomly walk up to my wife and ask, "Is Lucy gonna play baseball with me?" My wife was a bit puzzled, but Hailey was excited each day waiting for the package.

Here is just a small look at the great stuff that has been added to Hailey's collection thanks to Lucy. Along with each scan is a reaction from Hailey.

"Hey, Howie's jumping. Does he think he's funny?"

"Can we go see a firetruck later?"

"Wooooow! Why does it do that? Is this guy cool? I like it. Can I organganize it?"

"He's silly. Birds don't play baseball...right Dad?"

"That's Adam? I like Adam. Do you like Adam? Lucy likes Adam, dad."

"Why is he laughing dad? Is he funny? I like that."

"Vladdy, Vladdy! Vladdy is an Angel. We like the Angels. Not the other guys."

Hailey - "Is that from Lucy's house?"
Me - "No, it's from Fenway Park where the Red Sox play."
Hailey - "No it's not, it's from Lucy!"

"That puppy is silly. I'm gonna put these on Dora. She thinks they're funny."

And there you have, the rantings of a 3 year old. Please keep in mind that her pronunciation of Lucy is a little more like "Looosheeee".

Thanks again to Lucy and everyone at Dinged Corners. Hailey has not stopped looking at these cards and talking about her baseball friend Looosheeee.

Go Halos!

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